In these cases, safe mode acts as the saviour. Many times when we try to install a new device or their driver, our computer freezes and, sometimes, crashes as well. Well, as you can already see, pretty much nothing works in Safe Mode. You will have to use the Internet Explorer to use the internet. Windows Edge doesn’t work in Safe Mode as well. Also, Safe Mode uses the standard VGA graphics card installed in your computer and not the default one.

When you are booted into Safe Mode, you will see it written on all four corners of your screen. Even the icons and fonts don’t look the same in Safe Mode. Windows loads up only important drivers and applications in Safe Mode required for Windows to boot. In Safe Mode, you will see very few programs and features. Safe Mode is very much like a low feature profile on your own computer. With our help, you will be able to boot into Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Command Prompt and Safe Mode with Networking. You will get to know everything about Safe Mode in this article. In this article, we will show you a number of ways to boot into Safe Mode. If you are also one of them, you are on the right page. A lot of Windows 10 users are facing problems where they are unable to boot into Safe Mode.