If View by: is set to either of the other options (small/large icons), choose Devices and Printers from the available options on display.If the View by: size is set to Category, under the Hardware and Sound section, click the link to View devices and printers.You can also use the Run function by pressing Win+R and typing “ control” into the dialog box.Open the Control Panel app by typing “ Control Panel“ into the Search box located on the taskbar and selecting the option from the list.To rename any currently installed printers on your Windows 10 system through Control Panel: After refreshing the device list data, the new printer name should be on display anywhere it would normally show up.

You may need to close and reopen any running applications before the new printer name will be listed in them.Other users who utilize this printer will need to re-add the printer to their computers once the name has been changed.If changing a printer name on a network, you will be prompted for confirmation before you can finalize the process.While here, you can also add a description and location to the printer in order to make it easier for yourself (or colleagues) to choose the correct printer for their needs.Stay on (or move to) the General tab, c lick inside the textbox, delete the current name, type in your preferred name for the printer and then click OK.From the left-side menu of the new window, select Printer properties.This window will display all of the options you have for that particular printer.On the right side, you should see a list of already installed printers and scanners, s croll through the list of printers and click on the one of which you want to perform a name change.From the Devices window, head to Printers & scanners.In the Settings window, choose Devices.

Win+I is also a viable option as a shortcut key to open Settings directly.